However, his reputation would soon change. During his time in the guild, he became renowned as one of Tamriel’s best assassins. This happened around the 400th year of the third era, just before the events of Oblivion. Amidst his investigation, he found a First Era temple to Sithis that was riddled with members of a cult called the Unmakers led by the supposed “Daughter of Sithis.” Ironically, despite being their captive, he would eventually go on to join the Dark Brotherhood, another band of Sithis followers. At any rate, he got here because he went looking for answers to his newfound vampirism, his curse. Either way, he survives and goes on to become something of a forgotten legend. Whether or not he gets free'd is up to you, but it doesn’t matter. Here, the player character - the Vestige - finds him in a cell, tucked away, begging for release. In fact, we meet him caged in Deepscorn Hollow in The Elder Scrolls Online’s latest DLC. The story starts with Greywyn Blenwyth, an altmer who became a vampire during the second era. However, there is one mysterious group that might still be around by the time the events of Skyrim transpire: the Crimson Scars, an elusive band of killers who broke off from the Dark Brotherhood in the Third Era. Hell, there are only two factions of assassins still standing in The Elder Scrolls as is - the Dark Brotherhood and the Morag Tong.

The competition is always going to be wiped out to prove who is better in a test of mettle. Assassins guilds are rare - that’s a given.